Friday, July 22, 2011

Bad Neighbor but Good Bass

Does anyone have a solution on how to deal with living near Satan ? Yes my neighbor is that bad. Granted she is across the street and down one house and yet still her bullshit affects my life daily. I am so sick of it I want nothing more than to see her dead. That's not very humane, granted, but desperate times call for desperate measures. I am, however, willing to take suggestions and action to prevent me from attempting to kill her and all who dwell in the House of Ill Repute. The latest ? Threats from her current jailbait fling. Waiting on MY PROPERTY for my MY HUSBAND to come home so he could threaten him. Of course the police were called but they are such useless things in matters such as these. And it all comes to nothing no matter what I do. Every piece of security installed in my house is directly related to activity from that house. From security cameras, perimiter alarms, No Trespassing signs, weapons of varying degrees. Next stop ? I guess a wall along my property. What other choice do I have ???

At least music has always been there for me. And in times of great stress and need to vent, I grab the mike and let myself be heard. Hopefully all the way across the street no less. I don't see why not. Our PA system ROCKS. And i'm ever so grateful that despite my month long lapse, my fingers did not fail me on bass. I can't understand why sometimes i am so lazy about things that make me feel so good !!! Nothing is quite as awesome as generating your own goose bumps from music. I think I'll be back for more. I need it and it needs me.

1 comment:

  1. That sucks my friend. Any idea what the hell their problem is? Do they do this to your other neighbors too? Wish I could give you some advice, but I've got nothing.. sorry. Glad you have your music to turn to though. I'm thinking of taking guitar lessons so that one day I can jam with my bro =) and maybe YOU too ! =)
